It has been a long, hot summer with record-setting temperatures, and like many west Texans, we have been anticipating the start of fall. Now that fall is here, it is time to start preparing for the next round of extreme temperatures in the winter. Everyone who lives in or near Lubbock, Texas, knows just how brutal the weather can be due to our crazy high and low temperatures, wind, and the extreme changes that can happen from hour to hour. For this reason, it is imperative that your heater works when you need it to! While we are not quite to a point of running our heaters yet (and in fact, you are likely still running our air conditioners every day), Wendall and Son’s is here to remind you that you should make sure your heater is working correctly before you actually need it! Few things are more uncomfortable than being miserable on the first genuinely cold day of the season because you have cranked up your heater only to find that it does not work, there is a strange smell, or it continuously cycles without actually doing anything.

Wendall and Son’s in Lubbock, Texas, offers commercial and residential seasonal maintenance for your HVAC system so that your heater is ready to roll when the air finally gets cold in West Texas. Our goal is to prepare your heating system for the winter so you can prevent expensive and inconvenient repairs or replacements down the road and stay comfortable in your home or workplace all season long. From replacing your air filters to checking carbon monoxide detectors on gas units to testing igniter switches, we work hard to make sure that your heater is ready to go when you need it. At Wendall and Son’s, we aim to serve you with honesty, integrity, and reliability. When you need your heater to kick on, make sure it is ready to go. Get in touch with Wendall and Son’s today to schedule your heater maintenance before the cold weather hits!

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